Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Heading West - Day 6 - Moab, Utah to Ely, Nevada (July 1, 2021) - biking and hiking

By Finny

Our last day in Moab Lily, Caden and dad went biking and Gia, mom and I took a hike.  Luckily it was early in the morning so not too hot for my paws!  

We walked along the canyon, chased lizards (or maybe that was just me), and climbed over boulders.  Gia even explored a cave!

I just can't get over how big these canyons are!

Gigi either.

Here are the mountain bikers.

 We drove 6-hours to Ely, Nevada.  This is the view out the back window where I sat on my mom's lap.

Ely, Nevada was a small town with some really large animals.  This steer didn't move much, but I knew he was real.  I stared him down, did some barking, and scared him so my people could pass.  No wonder my kids call me "King Finn"!

We sat out back behind the hotel and ate Mexican food from the casino next door.  It was a pretty fun night that ended in puppy wrestling.  I won.

Here I am celebrating.

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