Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lily and Gia

Our two beautiful girls : )

[January 29, 2011]

Corey and Gia

[January 29, 2011]

Gia's bed

Gia's makeshift bedroom in the back of our room, tucked in her little 'swing bed'.
[January 26, 2011]

Skating Lessons

Lily and Caden started ice skating lessons.  They are both really, really good!  Our only problem is that it is a bit cold in there (go figure), so the kids are ready to leave before the 30-minute lesson actually ends.  We are taking lessons with a lot of friends and have a great ritual of pizza at Brunos aftewards : )

 Caden's little old man walker : )

[January 21, 2011]


Corey took the kids out to a local park for some sledding, while I stayed home to snuggle Gia and get a little work done.  Saying the kids were not happy is an understatement!  They were home withing 30 minutes or so!

[January 15, 2011]

Snow Storm

Huge snow storm with nearly 3 feet of snow in an afternoon!  Caden helped Corey with the first of three shovels of the day...

 Lily, Gia and I watched from the window : )  Fun day!
[January 8, 2011]

Friday, January 07, 2011

New Years Eve

 We spent New Year's Eve at the Cox's house with our good friends the Dugards, Kidders, Randy and Gregg V. and Cox's too of course!  We nearly made it until 2011, but ended up leaving a little after 11.

Below are Lily and Gia in their matching outfits : )

Uncle Greg Dugard had the magic touch.  He and Gia were able to get in some serious snuggles!

[December 31, 2010]

Gia is 1 Month Old!

Time is flying by already!  This is probably her last wearing of hew NB onesie '_'  I sure wish Corey could figure out how to carry a baby so we could have another one : )

[January 6, 2011]

Gia's First Basketball game

Corey, Gia and I had a date night for a drink and a basketball game.  Gia was enthralled, as you can tell!  We tried to get her photo up on the jumbo-tron, but were unsuccessful - this time!

[January 4, 2011]

Flowers 'Fo Mommy'

This was about the sweetest thing ever!  I was really having one of those days, and Caden came home from dropping Lily off at preschool with Novlin and came into my office asking me to close my eyes.  They said, "Surprise!  Flowers fo' you mommy!"  Little sweetie!
[January 4, 2011]

Pocket Full of Poseys

Lily, Caden and Grandma Sandy playing Rink-Around-the-Rosey or "Pocket Poseys" as Caden would call it.
 [January 2, 2011]

Snuggly Siblings

Lily, Cade and Gia hanging out.

[January 2, 2011]

Happy New Year Little Peanut!

Gia sitting up, taking it all in.  Her resolutions are to sleep longer, put on a few pounds, grow some hair, and to spend more quality time with family and friends awake : )
[January 1, 2011]


Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Dave came down New Year's Day (and Uncle Randy and Uncle Vincke for New Year's Eve).  We ended up bowling.  Caden bowled a strike and a spare, Lily a spare.  After every bowl, Caden made a flying leap into Grandma Sandy's arms.  It was too cute!

[January 1, 2011]

Christmas Celebration with the Angst Family

Neema and Neepa and Uncle Troy, Aunt Mary and the girls came down to celebrate Christmas with us. It was so much fun!  Grandpa managed to get some snuggle time...
 Gia was well tended to!
 The cousins (less Blake and Marlee who were not able to make it)

[Decmeber 30, 2010]

Christmas Day

Santa drank all of his milk, most of his cookies, and the reindeer ate most of their carrots : )

 Daddy assembling the baby princess's ensemble.
Santa brought Lily and Caden Oopsy Bear and Share Bear - a big hit!

(Yes, Gia was there too - sorry you didn't make a pic!  I think you and mom were snuggled up in a chair out of the 'limelight'.
[December 25. 2010]


Caden loves to play whatever his sister is playing...which is usually something pricess related!  We were surprised with a visit from cousin Maddie, which resulted in Tinker-Caden : )  He really makes a cute princess!
[December 29, 2010]

New Digs!

Check out this cute outfit, complements of our dear friends, the Brummels.

[December 29, 2010]

Name That Baby!

Caden saw this picture and said, "Look, Baby Gia!"  This is Corey's baby photo. We finally made a baby that looks just like him...which if going by current standards, means that Gia will look just like me the older she gets!

Ice Skating

We spent an 'afternoon' (an hour really) skating at Howard Park over winter break.  Quite a back breaker for Corey and I to stoop over to hold the kids up and skate around the lake.  Our friends the Kidders joined us.  We have since enrolled the kids in skating lessons!

[December 29, 2010]

Blast from the October Past

A late edition to the Blog is our trip to St. John's Cider Mill with Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Dave back in October.  Great cider, good donuts, and a fun time, so definitely worth including : )

[October 2010]