Corey left for Broome early in the morning. He will be without technology until Saturday when he returns home! I think he would rather go without food and water. While we send good thoughts daily for him to master yogi poses and reach a level of relaxation surely not felt before kids, Randy and I continue to tackle the must-do's of Fremantle.
Lily and Caden are doing a tennis camp this week from 9-11a with TopSpin, the same outfit that they took lessons from before school, but this time down the hill at the TopSpin courts -
The line-up |
Socializing at the break for cordial |
Caden hanging with his buddies as they enjoy the Popsicle break (tennis fits in somewhere...) |
Cooper and Dara |
Caden and Oli |
Gia hanging with her gal pals Charlotte and Ella |
There's the tennis! |
Seeing as how we are on school holiday, each of the kids gets a day to be in charge and plan the day. Embracing the birthday holiday sham, we headed into Freo right afterwards to visit the Fremantle Markets (which are usually not open on Mondays). And Monday is Gia's day to be the "Little Girl In Charge" :) Her plan with the markets was to get a picnic lunch to take to the Esplanade play set. So we did just that, stopping to enjoy street performers on the way.
The markets |
Check out the color of that sky! No adjustments made to the photo. |
Lily and Caden are right in front |
Gia watched from the comforts of her stroller :) |
She really wanted to ride this riveting ride, as did her brother and sister, which was $5pp - seriously! Aside from the merry-go-round, there was a goofy little clown game where you threw ping-pong balls into the clown's mouth and they would chorale into different number shoots, and a bouncy castle. The genius businessman working the merry-go-round offered to let all kids do two of the three for $20. Deal.
Woohoo! |
Cute hair caused by the wind, not the speed of the ride, which I could lap hopping on one foot. |
Next up they decided to play the clown game. Each clown was named after one of the seven dwarfs?!? Go figure. Gia and Lily each 'won' a doll and Caden a little skate board. Gia's doll was comically junky. Within a few steps from the booth, I had to reattach a leg. No matter, she still carried it everywhere. Here is the doll at the end of the day. All legs and arms have been lost at various unknown points around Fremantle. Sigh.
After a bit of a play...
...Gia convinced her Uncle Randy to take her on the long coveted Ferris-wheel. With those crazy curls and big blue eyes, she takes makes her day to be in charge look effortless - especially where Uncle Randy is involved :) It was a perfect day for the Ferris-wheel. A clear day with the beautiful Perth-blue sky. The views were incredible.
Little Creatures down below |
Next stop was out for a coffee at Moore & Moore... Randy and I enjoyed a cuppa while the kids played in the little kiddie area.
The infamous door that opened when Gia was playing here last week. And yes, I am yelling at the kids in the background '_' |
Then our route home took us back by the markets, and there was another street performer out, so we decided to sit for a bit...
Great shot of the kid's faces watching the performance. |
More fire juggling. I think I'll keep my day job. Wait - I don't have one right now! Even better. |
The kids were getting a bit hungry, so we decided to head back into the markets to try out the creperie. The kids have been in a bit of withdrawal with their daddy/crepe maker traveling. We were not disappointed. A big hit by all! Lily says she will make crepes too when she is big :)
I am laughing hysterically, as were all passersby, because when Gia turned around she had a big chunk of crepe hanging from her mouth! |
Gia's day was a BIG success. Once home, the kids put on their jammies and watched some cartoons, falling asleep in the chairs. Caden up for tomorrow...
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