Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sailing the Swan River

Randy and I picked up the kids after school (after a great day of the Hubble Cafe, the George Street play set, and enjoying the Fun Bus at the Freo Art Center) and we headed down to the river to eat out at the Left Bank.  Then we headed on to Zephyr cafe to play on their play set and enjoy the beach while we waited for Corey to join us before heading our for an evening sail.  We were invited sailing my James, a young man in Corey's class here - and our sitter Annie's boyfriend, out on the Swan River.  Jame's dad owns a beautiful boat.  His brother Alex joined as well.  So fun!
The crew - I would say we were able-bodied - but we were basically useless.
Ready for departure...

Lily, Gia and Annie

Caden working the crank (the sailing term escapes me)
James working the sales

James's dad Luke 

As the sun went down we had magnificent views of the stars.  So peaceful and beautiful.  It also became quite a bit chillier, so the tired Gang of Angsts retreated below deck.
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James and Annie sailing us back to the dock
The kids and I huddled on a bed of sail below deck - self portrait.  

Three tired little ducks were tucked into bed a bit after 9.  Thankfully tomorrow is a half-day in honor of uncle Randy's visit and a calling from Margaret River... :)

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