Saturday, September 07, 2013

Election day

Today is election day here in Australia.  Check out Google's landing page here.

Voting here is mandatory, punishable by a fine of $100.  Strangely enough, our friends are saying there are quite a few that will just pay the fine, or show up to get their name crossed off and still not vote.

Tony Abbott, leader of the Liberal Party, is winning by a landslide.

East Fremantle Primary had a bake sale at some of the polling stations as fundraiser, so parents were asked to contribute baked goods.  The kids and I fired up Little-Angsts Bakery Thursday night (the international extension of Bella Bella Bakery) and made cupcakes, muffins, cakes and cookies.  See our contribution below.  As I was explaining to the kids about the election and that the Prime Minister serves uder the queen - the very one that had 'parachuted' at the Olympics, she then was explaining to everyone that we were making cupcakes for the queen :)

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