Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Chilly, as in low 50's this morning, so really dreading my run.  Decided to map out with GPS exact mileage to kid's school (.67 to edge of the campus) which is up a BIG hill.  Much hillier here than where we lived last time.  Ran back to Holland Street and saw a woman running cross my path up ahead.  I picked up my pace to stalk her, as I noticed she was wearing Lulu Lemon pants, so it could be love :)  The turn was a dead end, so my following her was very obvious.  Then she stopped so I got up my nerve and breathlessly asked her if she was in a running group.  Turns out she lives right there, about 10 doors down from me, is training for the same marathon, has 3 kids the same ages (opposite sex) with a little boy that will be in second grade with Lily at the same East Fremantle Primary, and even had the same GPS watch.  She runs with her neighbor, who is also training and lives across the street from her at 5:30am daily - my ideal running time which I have been avoiding since the sun does not come up until 7.  Sooooooo excited!  Running 15 miles with them tomorrow :)

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