Friday, July 19, 2019

Hong Kong - Day 13

We successfully found our avo toast today!  It did not disappoint.

What did disappoint, as that our little Gigi spilled her banana-mango smoothie down the front of her new outfit!  Oh well!  We soldiered on to check out some of the recommended malls.

A rain storm started moving in, so we relaxed a bit in our room enjoying the views.  Eventually the cloud cover became so thick you couldn't see the building across the harbor.

Once the storm subsided, I took the kids for their promised frappuccinos.  It was a fun walk in the rain.

We did a little rain swimming, and then got ready to meet some ND folks - previous student, current student, and HK alumni club president for dinner at the Social Place in the mega mall.  It took us a long time to find the restaurant through the web of expensive shops, but it was worth it!  We tried the signature dim sum.

After dinner, Cavon took us shopping to some shops she thought the kids would like.  She is so sweet!  We made it back after 10 PM and fell into bed.  Tomorrow we are off to Thailand!

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