Sunday, August 04, 2019

Chill day in Siem Reap - August 3 (Day 28)

The plan for today is to do as little as possible and pamper ourselves.  The marathon is tomorrow, which requires a 3:30 AM tuk-tuk pick-up for me to be at the start by 4 and a race start of 4:30 AM.  Hoping against hope that the humidity eases a bit.

Flowers around the hotel restaurant and pool

After breakfast I headed to the conference center to pick up my bib.  I am pretty confident I will finish in the top 62 - as there are only 63 women registered!  Yikes!  The driver took the "backroads" to to the convention center, which was really dusty and bumpy, but interesting surroundings as usual!

Once back, Lily and Caden headed in for their first-ever facial while Corey, Gia and I enjoyed the pool and waited our turn.  We also ordered some milk for the stray kittens :)

The ladies giving the facials also gave the kids hairstyles.  I think Lily fared a little better!

Gia and I each had facials and Corey a massage.  We were able to go at the same time and in the same room, which was fun!

Later that night we headed back to Pub Street for dinner.

Corey and Caden got pizza, Gia and I pasta, and Lily tried the dim sum.  It looked much better than it tasted, but the kids enjoyed playing with it!

Pumpkin-filled dim sum.  

We found a gelato lab right around the corner.  And being naturally curious :) we had to check it out.

Our hotel sign was covered in cute little lizards.  Can you see 4 of them?

This prices here continue to astound me.  Cambodia takes both the US dollar and Cambodian Riel.  $1 USD = 4000 Riel.

We watched a bit of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, which was filmed in Cambodia, and then headed to bed.

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