Saturday, June 15, 2024

Milan to Porto, Portugal - Day 6, June 9

 We had an 11 AM flight, so we had a taxi pick up us up at 8 AM. Love the quiet mornings in Milan :)

Had to include this pic, as it was my first time ever to actually see my bag get loaded onto the plane!

The flight to Porto was about 3 hours and then a 25 minute cab right to the city center where our Airbnb was. We arrived a bit before check-in so we stopped for seafood. The girls were so excited to eat octopus, but it ended up much larger and gelatinous then we have experienced. Great start to our time in Porto though!

After lunch we met with our host who walked with us to our rental. It was right next door! Beautiful flat with amazing views, tucked into a little courtyard accessible from steep steps toward the bridge and a smaller set of steps that stretched through a tunnel under the building.

We dropped off our bags and set out to explore - the kids going one direction and Corey and I another. Really great people watching and so fun to capture photos of the gorgeous building facades and residents going about their daily living.

This one is just a mannequin.

After wandering the streets and perusing markets, we stopped for Porto Tonico - a delicious sangria-like cocktail made with port. Funny enough as we say there watching the world go by, we ran into our children. So we finished our drinks and wandered with them a bit through stores.

We headed out for dinner a bit late - around 9 PM or so.

Love this photo!

Such a beautiful, colorful and gritty city to take in. Absolutely love it!

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