Monday, June 24, 2024

Cascais to Lisbon - Day 18, June 21

Early run farewell to Cascais this morning. So many beautiful places around our little neighborhood! I wanted to be sure to capture them.

The little street by our house. So amazed at the care with the beautiful stonework!

Our favorite breakfast spot. So much so that I went there 3 times :)

A really good coffee shop.

Streets by our house we would walk to going to the main square.

The theater next to our place.

This one I have titled, "shadow of a runner" - homonym intended.

While your eye is drawn to the beautiful golden hues of the building and the bright blue sky, notice the odd baby statue peering over the side.

I just could not capture enough photos of the walkway behind our house.

Cute farewell photoshoot on the rooftop deck.

We had one last brunch at Euphoria before checking out of our place in to Lisbon!

And we are off! This is the view out the taxi window navigating these narrow streets. We had one minor mishap of shattering a bottle of port '_' and traveling 20 minutes out of town before realizing the house key was in Caden's pocket and needing to turn around.

It is only 30-minutes to Lisbon. We arrived before check-in so the Airbnb host told us we could drop our bags at the house. We were a bit dismayed to realize our unit was the "penthouse" one, up 4 flights of stairs. Corey was at his conference, so it was just me and the kids. We huffed on up, and then sat around and waited 20-minutes, catching our breath, and waiting for someone to let us in.
This pic above is our building.
These are the stairs we conquered, while we waited to be let in.

Looking out from the "balcony"

The bag drop.

Heading out to explore the markets set up across the street from our place, and to procure Ronaldo jerseys of course!

A highlight was having a chance to view a team of workers laying stones in the walk way. They had a big pile of stones that sifted through to find the right size and shape for their respective area, before tapping them into place with a special hammer.

We sat at the little café across from our place and had some snacks while we waited for our official 3 PM check-in time. I told our waiter, a bigger guy, that he resembled Robert De Niro. He got the biggest grin and chuckled as he yelled over to his buddy, announcing what we said. His buddy, a fellow waiter, did not miss a beat! He had a big belly laugh and then came over and offered us his glasses. Recalling this story still makes me smile :)
The yellow building behind the girls at the café was where our flat was located.

We checked in. Quaint and quirky - 2 bedrooms, a pullout couch, kitchen and bathroom all with slanted ceilings (and floors!), but perfect for our last 2 nights. You can't beat the location surrounded by nice restaurants and at the top of the hill to get to the other Lisbon neighborhoods.

The kids rested up / took some time for their phones, and Corey and I set off to explore a bit and to get a drink. Around every bend there are so many lovely outdoor seating areas! We chose sitting on the steps, complete with little pillows, that a restaurant was set up around.

We met the kids at the Time Out Market. A ton of different local vendors with long tables that required a bit of stalking and luck to find a seat at. In the hall they had big screens with soccer playing that added to the lively atmosphere.

After dinner we strolled for a bit before hopping into a tuk-tuk to explore the city.

We stopped a few spots for the beautiful views.

Hard to tell in this photo, but we were freezing in this photo! Evenings get really chilly and the temps, in the low 70s during the day, were colder than usual for Portugal.

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