Saturday, June 15, 2024

Florence - Day 3, June 6

The girls (less Gia) and I headed out early so they get tickets to climb the tower at the Cathedral of Santa Maria. We saw a vintage photo booth along the way, restored from as early as the 1950's when "photo cabins" were available on the streets for passport photos. 

We had a quick breakfast at La Menagerie before the girls set off for their touring, and I stayed behind to work on grading.

We met for lunch at La Giostra. It had great views, but was pretty average.

Corey had some work calls, so headed out. I walked with the kids to Centrale Market for some leather shopping and gelato. My new favorite gelato, from Badiani, is pistachio with pistachio cream on top.

We then walked on to Boboli Gardens, one of the other "must do's" on Lily and Sophia's list. Caden, Gia and I ended up joining accidentally. The walk was beautiful with great window shopping. So many home stores with beautiful furnishing and lightings, to which the kids kept saying, "Mrs. Badertscher would LOVE this store" :)

Once in the gardens, my phone died and we ended up getting separated from Lily and Gia, meeting at home later. But I bright spot before then were the kids sitting in the grass alongside the Fountain of Neptune, sketching, eating fruit they bought at the markets, putting flowers in each others hair, and me taking a short nap :)

It was a pretty tiring day. Once back at home we had dinner close to house - Corey and I at one table and the kids at another. When they finished up, they headed off for gelato on their own. All grown up!
Beautiful sky tonight!

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