We finally celebrated Christmas with Nonno and Ninny on their March visit! Pretty sad that it took us that long, but we had a great visit!

Lily loves to cook, and loves to wear her tutu/princess gear - combine them together and you have the "cooking princess". Here she makes egg plant parm : )

It was fun watching her interact with my dad. She actually had him doing pricess twirls!
Caden is our little out door boy. He loves playing in the fountain!

Here Caden practices his walking...before taking a tumble. Of course as a responsible mother my first priority is to to laugh while snapping a photo, then I tend to the crying baby '_'

Nonno at work!

Nonno at play!
Princes twirls.
Na-night time.
Bye bye!

[March 20 - 22, 2009]
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