So hard to believe, but Lily Francis has turned 3! We had a rough start to the day with a trip to the doctors for a staph infection, but she seemed to be doing much better once we returned home from a stop at the donut shop and got to the presents!

Princess Lily received 4 dress up outfits - Belle, Cinderella, Snow White and the Little Mermaid. She had a blast trying them on, despite her ouchy from the staph.

What a profile : )

This was a joint birthday gift for Lily and Caden! 

When we went for donuts Lily was admiring all of the wedding cakes - one of which was pink. So the baker offered to "pink-up" a day-old cake for us, which happened to be banana! I know, sounds cheap, but keep in mind we have THE Pink Party coming up Saturday... We had a dinner of cheese burgers at the little table in the living room : )

[May 5, 2009]
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