My and Corey's room in Varese. The window that opens, out to the bell tower, without a screen as usual, is not visible in this photo, but is right to the right.
I headed out on my farewell run this morning, and headed back to Villa Panza where Massimo and Chiara's wedding was held. Such a quiet and beautiful run.
This is heading up the street by our place.
I did a double take when the GPS directed me to turn on this "street" - but so glad it did!
This is an empty monastery right next to our B&B.
The three little bears, fast asleep.

Looking out the window/door of the balcony off the kitchen this morning as we prepared to leave.
Perking up when the Chociolato Cafe was located.
One of my little travelers, ready to go!
The kids take airplane safety seriously!
After a couple hours of delays, we departed 2 hours late -- which made for an exceptionally long flight. I was sandwiched between Gia and Caden, which afforded me to the opportunity to play pillow throughout the flight '_' This is looking down at my lap.
We flew to Atlanta, but unfortunately missed our connection due to the delays, so re-booked on the 8 PM flight, which has been delayed to 9:25 PM. UGH! We arrived at MSP Airport in Milan at 8:30 AM this morning - or 2:30 AM EST, so by the time we make it back to the Bend at 11 tonight, and then take a cab home, it will have been nearly a full 24 hours of travel! The kids are champs! Just the proof I was after to get everyone on board for traveling back to Australia in December... :)
Hanging in Atlanta...dealing with time zone challenges as we wait for our triple-delayed flight '_'

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