Saturday, August 09, 2008

Blueberry Picking

After my very long trip home from Philadelphia which included a missed connection through Detroit and a four hour drive through the night with a young woman and her adorable son, we ventured out blueberry picking with some friends. Lily, Caden and I went blueberry picking with my girlfriend from MSU Kris (Hoy) Swanson and her daughter Gracie, and our neighbor Stacey and her daughter Elliott.
We went to an organic blueberry farm, which helped to spawn my and Stacey's business idea of exploiting our children's blueberry picking skills for profit. We have even created the slogan, "Organic blueberrys picked by baby fingers". Can't you just see the billboard sporting a closeup of chubby baby fingers holding a blueberry : )
Sorry about the pink stroller Caden. It was the only one in the car '_'
It was very hot out. Lily and I ended up picking a whopping .7 pounds. I think Lily probably ate more than that! We did buy a couple more pounds from the farm.
Kris and Gracie cooling off in the shade.

Lily sharing an Elmo sticker with her friend Gracie.

[July 18, 2008]

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