Wednesday, August 13, 2008

St. Joseph's Beach

We spent the day at Silver Beach : )

[August 3, 2008]


Caden is getting is growing so much every day! He is such a handsome fellow : )
[August 2, 2008]

Harper Visit

My childhood friend Lisa and her family (Jason, Allyson, and Joey) visited us for the weekend.
Here are the girls.
Our family photo in front of Touch Down Jesus. Lily spots this as soon as we get close to campus and loves to announce it!

Allyson put beads in Lily's hair.

Too cute : )
Allyson and Joey.
[August 1-3, 2008]

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Funny Sleeping Shots

Great sleeping shots of the boys...especially little Chubbers : ) Taken with my phone, so not the clearest, but they definitely deserved to be immortalized by the blog. [July 31, 2008]

Little Tigers

Fans that is. Corey and Lily donning their Detroit Tiger gear (complements of the Harpers for Lily's and Ruddy's for Caden).

While Traveling

This is a great shot Corey snapped with his phone and sent to me while I was traveling in Minneapolis. Apparently this is how Caden fell asleep : ) [July 28, 2008]

Waterpark for ND Play Group

St. Josephs County Fair

We had an opportunity to attend the St. Joseph's County Fair. Lily was so excited to ride the rides so we bought a days worth of tickets. The Carousel was the first ride we decided to conquer. As you can see below, she decided she was too scared to actually sit on the horse! I attempted to get her to ride other monstrous rides, such as a large purple dinosaur that made big, loping circles and a train and she kept saying, "I too scared". Needless to say we gave away all the tickets!
She did enjoy the animals though. We saw cute little bunnies, cows, horses, goats and chickents. Her favorite, bar-none, were the chickens!!!

We also played a few games, and Lily was given (not won) a gold fish! We stopped and bought her a great house and named her Ruby.

[July 31, 2008]

Ernie's Amish Farm

Our friend Willow invited us to join a day at the farm with the South Bend Holistic Moms Group. We took a pony ride...
Pet the animals...
Took a hay ride...
Fed the chickens...
And talked to the cows!

We then had a wonderful picnic where we had the chance to try unpasteurized milk and yogurt.

Don't worry Caden - this won't affect your milk supply.

To which his look implies - "That's not funny!"
[July 21, 2008]

Blueberry Picking

After my very long trip home from Philadelphia which included a missed connection through Detroit and a four hour drive through the night with a young woman and her adorable son, we ventured out blueberry picking with some friends. Lily, Caden and I went blueberry picking with my girlfriend from MSU Kris (Hoy) Swanson and her daughter Gracie, and our neighbor Stacey and her daughter Elliott.
We went to an organic blueberry farm, which helped to spawn my and Stacey's business idea of exploiting our children's blueberry picking skills for profit. We have even created the slogan, "Organic blueberrys picked by baby fingers". Can't you just see the billboard sporting a closeup of chubby baby fingers holding a blueberry : )
Sorry about the pink stroller Caden. It was the only one in the car '_'
It was very hot out. Lily and I ended up picking a whopping .7 pounds. I think Lily probably ate more than that! We did buy a couple more pounds from the farm.
Kris and Gracie cooling off in the shade.

Lily sharing an Elmo sticker with her friend Gracie.

[July 18, 2008]