Sunday, June 24, 2007

Greek Festival

We enjoyed a beautiful night at the Greek Festival with Stephanie, Colm, and Allesandra. Lily loved dancing to the Greek band! Lily and Allesandra are getting quite close. Here the two share a ride and smooch : ) [June 6, 2007]

13 Months!!!

Check out little 13-month cutie in pigtails. She is the best little thing ever! [June 5, 2007]

Lily the "Ar-tiste"

Need I say more?!? Lily went to the office with Corey and I and made this beautiful drawing on my wipe board which is still there today. [June 2, 2007]

Will Turns 1

Will's turned 1 on June 4 and celebrated with a luau (also Corey's birthday). Lily loved the cake and ice cream, which she sampled from every person's plate that was there, almost as much as she enjoyed her smooches with Will! I am beginning to think the move might be good for these two : )
[June 2, 2007]

Lily and Amy

I can't find the exact date, but this was taken some time the end of May...

Stone Harbor

We took a drive to Stoner Harbor, NJ (after cancelling reservations at our lovely hotel in WI). We hung out on the beach. Too cold to swim. Was a very relaxing day. [May 27, 2007]

Turtles Keep Falling on My Head...

Lily wearing the Testudy hat I forgot to wear to Corey's graduation '_' [May 26, 2007]

Taking time to smell the roses

Lily was trying her new walking skills at the rose garden in our Brandywine Park. Her "official" walking date is probably May 23. [May 26, 2007]

Lily's One Year Photo

Just a tad bit late posting this one...Lily kicking back in her adirondack chair that was a birthday gift from Grandma Pfromm. [May 5-ish, 2007]

After Graduation

Corey's parents endured er, I mean enjoyed, the 3 hour graduation ceremony. We had a nice dinner of Tapas on the Baltimore Harbor after a quick visit with Testudo. [May 21, 2007]

Graduation Day

Graduation was awesome! It was such an awesome experience seeing Corey hooded. The cemermony was held in the Comcast Center at UMD. We are VERY proud of Dr. Angst : ) [May 21, 2007]

The Post Party

We had A LOT of crabs left over after the party. Here we are enjoying round 2 with Adam and the Alexanders. [May 20, 2007]