We were all exhausted from the day before, but the girls (less Gia and plus Rodney) agreed to get up at 4:30 AM for the sunrise monk hike. Hardcore :)
We were picked up at 5:00 AM in our tuk-tuk taxi - two benches facing each other. No windows. And the back open like a paddy wagon. There was a fan in the back I was trying to turn on, and realized (after two attempts) that it was the button to ask the driver to stop. Oops.
We stopped along the way and picked up our monk tour guide, Nutth and his assistants. He is a lovely person and really provided great information about the Buddhism and the temples.
Our ride |
At the trail head |
We reached the Watpalad Temple as the sun was coming up. We spent some time exploring the beautiful grounds. Nutth explained that the various heights of the temples represent the path that one takes through life to reach the after life. We had quite a bit more to go...
This young man was meditating the entire time of our visit. |
No shoes in the temples |
On we hiked!
And we made it! Of course there was a spirit house at the top, with red Fanta!
Monks used to make this trek daily. Apparently it got old after awhile, so a road was built :) Many still hike it today, and apparently there are running races up the trail, but the road is a nice option - also used by runners and bikers (and dogs!). Looked like fun!
We drove up the rest of the way to the Doi Suthep Temple and took a trolley up to the entry.
An impressive durian fruit tree! |
Once in the temple, you checked your shoes and explored the religious grounds barefoot (or socks).
Nutth explained the importance of bowing three times, once to the Buddha, the other to his teachings, and the third to the monks. The lotus flower represents the beauty we all have inside of us. The lotus grows up through the muddy ponds and emerges from the darkness revealing beauty. He explained it is the same with all people. We all have beauty and goodness within that can sometimes be covered until it has a chance to emerge. I love this!
Lily and Grace each got a lotus and some candles |
The King's birthday was July 28. Not sue if the pictures are more prominent because of this, or if it is normal. From what we read, he is viewed as an extension of the Buddha. He was ordained a monk in his youth. |
We read a prayer card and followed the instructions to circle the monument three times. |
The typical Buddha I am used to seeing. He is presented in many different forms however. |
The view from the temple |
As we left the temple, we were all feeling very hungry! We visited the street markets and devoured corn, smoothies, and ka-nom-krok - these delicious little coconut patties.
ka-nom-krok - for 20 Baht, which is = to $0.65! |
Once back, we took a well deserved swim and nap!
Just a little goofing around on the bike at the house. No children were harmed in the filming of this scene :)
We headed to a Thai silk factory. It was really fascinating to see the silk spun and woven into fabric. Then we did a little shopping!
We headed to a traditional Thai dance afterwards. The kids needed a break from Thai food, so we stopped at a Pizza Hut along the way...
The Thai dancing event was a bit on the touristy side. We enjoyed some traditional Thai food, a little of the show, and then headed out.
Love this sign. Seeing it more and more. |