Happy Thanksgiving! A beautiful morning. Caden decided he wanted to go for a run with me, and then out to breakfast, so off we went! We drove to the trail head along the beach and were off. It was so much fun! First of all, he was wearing his grey sweats and a short sleeved shirt and led the trail. He looked like a little man, out for a run. It was making me smile thinking (and praying) that this will be the first of many runs we will take together. Secondly, the trail is full of so much nature – gorgeous birds, lizards, and the sound of waves crashing along the rocks on the beach. We stopped to take it all in, before running on to our next distraction. We ended up getting off the trail at one of the beaches with great big rocks and a lot of bits of shells that look like octopus skin but with big spines sticking out (I need to look up the names!). Caden was collecting many of them, before selecting the one that looked most intact to take home for his shell collection. We then traversed the large boulders all the way back to the next beach. We had so much fun!
Once home, everyone had eaten, so we packed up some school activities and headed out for breakfast at the Zen Café where we had what we refer to as the worlds best pancakes on our last trip to Dunsborough. Caden and I shared one order of the pancakes and they didn’t disappoint! The pancakes have raspberries in them and a passion fruit curd and vanilla bean neutschel sauce on the side with heaps of fresh fruit. Caden was so cute, commenting, ‘Mom, why are there only a few other people eating here? With food this good, there should be a line out the door!’ And then saying that we should ask the chef for the recipe. So we went back and talked to the chef and he was so touched. He did share the recipe verbally without exact measurements, but we have a start and will get it one of these days! If not, at least, for our traveling Little Angst Bakery J
Once home we packed up and headed back to Bunker Bay for some more beach time. We wrote Happy Thanksgiving in the sand, made a sand turkey, a castle, did some swimming, some sea slug racing, and then headed home to get ready to head out for our “Thanksgiving dinner” which we reserved at one of the wineries that had a menu highlighted in the great Margaret River cook book Rod and Alicia gave us.
Beautiful Bunker Bay |
Lily adding the finishing touches |
Our lunch, while not typical of a Thanksgiving meal – as they don’t celebrate it here – was excellent! We had a personal wine tasting at the table and dined on fish, gnocchi and beef. The kids had their own special drinks and an excellent meal as well.
Afterwards we enjoyed the grounds before packing it in and returning to the house for a relaxing evening of swimming and lounging about.