Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Caden is getting really good at this!
[May 6, 2011]

Lily Turns 5!

Where has the time gone?!?  Our little Lily is 5!  She wasn't feeling well in the morning, so stayed home from school.  But she was feeling well enough to have a picnic at the zoo park with Elliott and Lyle.  We had wonderful afternoon playing at the park.  We thought about heading to St. Joe for the carousel, but she decided she would rather go to the movies and take Elliott.  Caden, Gia and I stayed home.

We had a little cake all lit up and presents to open when they got home.

[May 5, 2011]

Sooooo Big!

Lily is nearly 5!  On a rare day where she is wearing pants (a matching outfit with Gia), you can really get a sense for how grown up she is becoming.

And what a ham she is!

[May 3, 2011]

Gia Enjoying the Screen Porch

The weather was beautiful for our first day of May.  Here adorable Gia enjoys the screen porch. 

[May 1, 2011]


Lily is a month into soccer.  She has 6 girls on the team and half of them are named Lily : )  Corey, Scott, and Shane Ditty are the coaches.  They practice EVERY Wedensday and have games EVERY Saturday - which is pretty bad that I am grumbling on child #1 with the first sport.  I know it will get much, much worse!
 As for Lily's soccer skills, a work in progress.  When the ball is coming towards her, she currently moves out the way.
[April 30, 2011]

Lily and Caden Fast Asleep

Lily and Caden read books together in one of their beds each night while I put Gia to sleep.  It is so sweet when they fall asleep together.  Lily prefers that Caden sleeps in his own bed becuase of his "blankies being stinky" (she is quite a scent afficiando) - but says he is welcome on the bottom bed of her bunk bed once she gets one.
[April 29, 2011]

Happy Birthday AND Happy Easter!

Caden's birthday was Easter Sunday.  I hope I never forget how cutely he tells people his birthday is on "Easter Sunday" (pronounced "Eeater" with his little tongue on the outside of his teeth.

 After mass (and the baptism of our new God Children Teddie and Millie) we went to brunch at Morris Park.
 Lily and Gia enjoyed photos with the Easter bunny - Caden, not so much.

 Caden did however really enjoy the baby bunnies and ducks.

 Grandma Sandy, Grandpa Dave and Lily 'hamming' it up.

 Gia in her Easter finery.
 Posing with Grandma Sandy.
 And enjoying wearing nothing at all : )
 Celebrating Lily and Caden's birthdays.
 Blowing out candles, again : )
 Caden's big birthday surprise was a new bike, already hitched to the back of Corey's bike.  He was thrilled!  This also included a seat for Gia on the front handlebars. We immedetiately headed out for a family ride : )

Relaxing after a wonderful day.
Happy Easter!!!
[April 24, 2011]

Decorating Easter Eggs

 With a few stickers...

 [April 23, 2011]

Happy Birthday Caden!

We celebrated Caden's birthday with his friends - Teddie, JP, Henry, Frankie, Seamus and Lyle (attended by their sister's Lily, Elliott and Lucy).  It was too cute!
 The dinosaur cake was complements of grandma Sandy.  She offered to make Caden a bunny cake, and Caden said he would prefer "Toy Story riding a dinosaur dragon".  Then when grandma walked in with the dragon Caden asked where his bunny was : )

Caden loved his party!  Aside from a lot of running around, the boys searched for "dinosaur eggs" outside, and decorated dinosaur cookies. 

[April 23, 2011]