Saturday, August 27, 2011

Elliott turns 5 in Union Pier

We had a wonderful day at Union Pier to celebrate Elliott's 5th birthday.  Lily ended up staying the night for her first sleep over (yes, that's learning to swim, ride a bike, lost first tooth, first sleep over and starting kindergarten within 4 weeks of each other!!!)  The girls had a super fun day together : )

[August 20 - 21, 2011]

Rochester NY on our drive home

Breakfast at Jines.  Yummy!

[August 14, 2011]

Our last morning in Cape Cod

[August 13, 2011]

And more Cape Cod

The 'nail salon' 
 Pizza on the beach

 Movies on the beach.
[August 2011]

More Cape Cod

Lily and Bella
 The tooth is sooooo loose!
 Our beautiful view.
 Greg finding a few minutes.

 Caden flying a kite : )

Lily lost her first tooth!!!

The huge mermaid we made.

[August 2011]

Cape Cod - continued

Lily did great practicing riding her bike.  Th enext week at home she started riding without training wheels!
 The kids with the "Fun Governor" - tucked in for an outdoor movie : )
 Even Gia got in on the action.
[August 10, 2011]

Cape Cod - Day 1 and 2

Gia and I flew out to meet the rest of family and the Cox and Dugard families.  Here are the tears as she decides she is ready to be there!
 Breakfast in the airport.

[August 6, 7, 2011]

Niagra Falls

What a view!  Lily, Caden and Daddy had a wonderful trip to Niagra Falls on their drive out to Cape Cod.

[August 5, 2011]

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011