Friday, March 19, 2010

Floriday - Day 3

We started the day with a little pool time.  Here Caden kept spraying himself in the face by blocking the jets. He was just cracking himself up!
The kids were enthralled with the big bird in the pool area.
Lily "swimming"

Story time with the grandparents before naps.
Lily managed to give Caden a piggyback ride - Caden weighs the same as Lily!
My good friend Lori from Wilmington happened to be Orlando the same time.  So we hung out with her, her mom and daughter Maya at the pool.
Caden and mommy.
Grandma and Lily snuggling poolside.

Maya reading Lily a book.

Lily and Caden slept together in a big kids bed.  It was too cute!
[March 8, 2010]

Florida Vacation - Day 2-3

The weather finally warmed up when we arrived.  Here is culry-haired Caden in his new swim cover.

One of the first kid activities we did at the resort was the pancake making class.  The kids decorated their hats, mixed up their pancakes, and ate them.  Here is Lily with Grandma Sandy coloring her hat.

The result...Lily has just learned how to draw hearts.

The kids mixed the batter and Caden is now crying because they took the batter, instead of letting him eat it raw, to cook his pancake.

Enjoying the pancakes.  I just happened to catch one of Caden's 'dirty looks' on camera.  Not sure where he learned this one from...or maybe I do know.

Indoor climbing center provide HOURS of enjoyment.  Who needs Disney?!?
[March 7, 2010]

Florida Vacation - Day 1

Lily and Caden were so excited to go to Florida - which has been referred to only as a visit to the "princess castle".  Lily did a check-in every day for a month before the trip to see if we were leaving that very day! 

From the moment we arrived she began talking about her conerns about having to go home.  She has her mother's travel bug!

Here is Caden getting ready to drive out of the airport.

Lily is ready to go!

Our first-ever karaoke!  And probably the last : )  We sang 'Walking After Midnight' by Patsy Cline.  Lily knows all the words, as this is one of her bed time songs.  It was really cute.

[March 5, 2010]

Big shoes to fill

My little man is growing much too fast! 
[January, 2010]

Lily and Uncle Randy

After eating a chocolate brownie, Lily gently wiped her hands (on Randy's belly) then snuggled in and fell asleep! : ) [December 31, 2009]


Caden loves to play dress up with his sister!  And he really does make a pretty princess : )  The photo I didn't capture was Caden using Corey's electric shaver while in his dress.  Suffice it to say he is comfortable in his own shoes.
[February, 2010]

Jackson Tribute

Our complements to the Sedlacks for another fantastic party!

Janet and Justin's superbowl waldrobe malfunction.
Cher and one of the YMCA guys.

[January 30, 2010]

Kitchen construction

The Kitchen renovation...
[January/February 2010]

A snowy winter!

[January 2010]