We had a great visit with the Tricia, Joel, and Jacqueline Underwood at their beautiful home in Waunakee, Wisconsin. This is the view from their front porch. Very beautiful and peaceful.
They have a pool which, as you can see below, we really enjoyed. Here is the (growing)Underwood family.

Lily and Jacqueline hanging out...looking for boys?

The girls "playing catch" (sort-of).

I LOVE this photo of Lily : )

And this one!

The girls...
Caden also spent some time chillin' poolside.

He did a little swimming with his daddy...

Which wore him out!

Lily continued to swim, despite blue lips and chattering teeth.

We spent some time in Madison at the Univeristy of Wisconsin...and paid a very yummy visit to dairy. Notre Dame is great, but no dairy! I have submitted an application on Corey's behalf : )
We also enjoyed the art fair in downtown Madison. It was great! Here the girls and enjoying some acapella music.
We ate a great Italian restaurant in an old church.
E.T. Fingers of these two little friends : )
[July 10 - 13, 2008]