Barrel of Monkeys! Amazing craftsmanship!
We did get a chance to watch the carvers at work too. Both Corey and Lily were fascinated, as you can see below.
This looks like a much easier to get a new baby : )
[Feb 16, 2008]
Barrel of Monkeys! Amazing craftsmanship!
We did get a chance to watch the carvers at work too. Both Corey and Lily were fascinated, as you can see below.
This looks like a much easier to get a new baby : )
[Feb 16, 2008]
One of the other highlights of the tour was Lily getting to dip her very own chocolate spoon...
And then getting to eat it! [February 13, 2008]
We do feed the crew, so Lily helped make a lot of dinners. Here she dishes out ice cream for the peach cobbler. Already a great chef, she made sure to have frequent tastes to ensure the quality was up to par. [Lily, just for future reference, you demanded ot wear the water shoes]