Saturday, May 12, 2007
Rockford Flower Market
We walked to the Flower Market this evening. It was a great day, mid-70's. We had a gyro and funnel cake and sat in the grass listening to a couple of Wilmington bands. Lily loved the band Ike. She clapped her hands and danced. We strolled around. She was very fascinated with the carnival rides and games. It was a very fun Mother's Day eve. [May 12, 2007]
A Night Out in San Antonio
Corey and I celebrated 10 years of marriage on May 9. I had to head out to Phoenix that day, so we headed in to San Antonio Tuesday to enjoy the San Antonio River Walk. We took a river cruise and ate out on the river. We had a great time : ) Lily loves to people watch, and loved the kitty. 
The morning of our anniversary Corey, Lily and I took an early morning walk around the golf course then had breakfast at the hotel. [May 8, 2009]

The morning of our anniversary Corey, Lily and I took an early morning walk around the golf course then had breakfast at the hotel. [May 8, 2009]

Our Little Monkey
Off to Texas
Well, Lily decided being one and all, she needed to see Texas! We flew out late Sunday night for San Antonio. Plus her mom had a work conference. We were there (and Amy too) until Thursday. Here are some photos of Lily and her parents enjoying the pool and rambling river of the resort. There were free drinks. Lily had a banana/strawberry smoothie which drank entirely on her own, as you can see in these photos. The resort was beautiful, set on a golf course. Tough job, but someone has to do it : ) [May 6 - 10]

May 6, Lily took her grandma, dad, and mom to Point-2-Point. Michelle and Jake and the Alexander's both had their usual tailgate spots right next to each other. Below are some photos of the fun : ) Since this is the Winterthur horse racing event where most ladies (and some confidant men like Jake) wear hats. Lots of drinks and good eats were had by all. [May 6, 2007]

Playing with Toys
Lily was very spoiled for her first birthday! We all agree that from here on out, we will do something focused on a charity instead! Lily is loving all of her loot. Here grandma and her play with Lily's new Lady Bug stool / push car. Lily also received a matching adirondack chair that she loves! [May 6, 2007]

Sunday, May 06, 2007
Lily's First Birthday!

It is so hard to believe that a year has went by already! It seems like only yesterday that Corey and I greated each day with a hopeful wish that our new little baby would be born. Lily finally entered the world on May 5, 2006 via a c-section. She was so tiny! Covered in dark black hair with beautiful ruby red lips. She stretched her little hands and waved her arms about, trying to get a handle on her new surroundings.
Now on May 5, 2007, she is nearly walking! She cruises around using a wall or finger for guidance, and will drop to her knees when she hits open territory. She has changed so much throughout the year, which is hopefully well reflected by this
blog. Her current skills include a fantastic queen-like wave, blowing kisses, blowing raspberries, and jibbering. She has amazing dexterity, stopping on the sidewalk to pick up a little flower or an ant. She is very close to launching herself through the cat door, but as of yet, her Jackie will sit on either side to entertain themselves with peek-a-boo.
Her birthday day (yesterday) was a gorgeous sunny day. We spent some time enjoying the sunshine and watching runners run by our house for a 5K. Lily sat on the grass and picked dandelions which she would put in her granmdma Pfromm's hair (grandma arrived on Wednesday) and then pick back out. Corey and I ran around to complete last minute party preparation and to gather some things for Lily's May 5, 2006 time capsule (a box filled with notes from us, from grandma, People magazine, Newsweek, a Wilmington newspaper, and postcards of where she lives).
The party kicked off at noon. The weather was gorgeous! In the 70's and sunny. We held it in the park at the pavilion across from our house. We rented some tables and chairs and a snow cone machine, which was a big hit. There is a little jungle-gym set our there so the kids played on the gym and drew with chalk art on the cement. We had a bunch of balloons, of which nearly half blew away before the party started when the wind picked up '_' And we 10 times too much pizza from Grotto, chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A, and a veggie and fruit tray from Acme. Lily had her own little cake, a monkey cake, and little animal cupcakes.
Around 1 we had Bill from We Kids Rock come and play for the kids. We set up underneath a shady tree. All of the kids really seemed to enjoy it : )
There were so many wonderful friends that shared in Lily's special day, not to mention Grandma Pfromm who spent hours gardening, baking Lily's monkey cake, and cleaning! It was really a lifesaver to have her here! Other friends in attendance were Michelle and Jake, Mike, Tammy and little Will, Amber and Jason, Amy, Meaghan, and Amy's mom, Adam, Margo and Brian, Vinny and Lynne, Sunil, Adrianna, and their son Taishan, Rod, Alicia, and their girls Molly, and Abby, Colm and Stephanie and little Allesandra, neigbors Christin, Marge, and Jim, and her former nanny Lenka with her baby Monika, and Lily's current nanny Amy and her fiance Ricardo. I have to admit I was pretty emotional after such a special day with all of these wonderful friends we will be moving farther away from in August '_' sniff, sniff.
So here are some photos of the special day...and for those interested, there is video footage available upon request : ) Notice the adorable birthday wings she is wearing when she eats her cake (complements of Vinny and Lynne). Make sure to play special attention to Will's t-shirt. This was one of Lily's many great gifts. Also note how the party girl became increasingly tired...starting with cake consumption. Will be posted soon...
Now on May 5, 2007, she is nearly walking! She cruises around using a wall or finger for guidance, and will drop to her knees when she hits open territory. She has changed so much throughout the year, which is hopefully well reflected by this

Her birthday day (yesterday) was a gorgeous sunny day. We spent some time enjoying the sunshine and watching runners run by our house for a 5K. Lily sat on the grass and picked dandelions which she would put in her granmdma Pfromm's hair (grandma arrived on Wednesday) and then pick back out. Corey and I ran around to complete last minute party preparation and to gather some things for Lily's May 5, 2006 time capsule (a box filled with notes from us, from grandma, People magazine, Newsweek, a Wilmington newspaper, and postcards of where she lives).

The party kicked off at noon. The weather was gorgeous! In the 70's and sunny. We held it in the park at the pavilion across from our house. We rented some tables and chairs and a snow cone machine, which was a big hit. There is a little jungle-gym set our there so the kids played on the gym and drew with chalk art on the cement. We had a bunch of balloons, of which nearly half blew away before the party started when the wind picked up '_' And we 10 times too much pizza from Grotto, chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A, and a veggie and fruit tray from Acme. Lily had her own little cake, a monkey cake, and little animal cupcakes.

Around 1 we had Bill from We Kids Rock come and play for the kids. We set up underneath a shady tree. All of the kids really seemed to enjoy it : )

There were so many wonderful friends that shared in Lily's special day, not to mention Grandma Pfromm who spent hours gardening, baking Lily's monkey cake, and cleaning! It was really a lifesaver to have her here! Other friends in attendance were Michelle and Jake, Mike, Tammy and little Will, Amber and Jason, Amy, Meaghan, and Amy's mom, Adam, Margo and Brian, Vinny and Lynne, Sunil, Adrianna, and their son Taishan, Rod, Alicia, and their girls Molly, and Abby, Colm and Stephanie and little Allesandra, neigbors Christin, Marge, and Jim, and her former nanny Lenka with her baby Monika, and Lily's current nanny Amy and her fiance Ricardo. I have to admit I was pretty emotional after such a special day with all of these wonderful friends we will be moving farther away from in August '_' sniff, sniff.

So here are some photos of the special day...and for those interested, there is video footage available upon request : ) Notice the adorable birthday wings she is wearing when she eats her cake (complements of Vinny and Lynne). Make sure to play special attention to Will's t-shirt. This was one of Lily's many great gifts. Also note how the party girl became increasingly tired...starting with cake consumption. Will be posted soon...

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