Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lily and Claire

We went to Dave and Kate's tonight and ended up next door at Andrew and Mandy's. Their little girl Claire is 15 months and her and Lily were totally enamored with one another. They whispered baby secrets, fed one another, gave each other kisses, and as you can tell below, would have braided each other's hair if only they had the dexterity to do it! : ) [April 21, 2007]

Taking Time to Smell the Roses...or Dandelions : )

Gorgeous weather this weekend! Lily decided to take her walker out so that she could cruise the park more independently. You can see her covering some serious ground, stopping to admire the dandelions, and then converting the walker into a scooter for a little break. [April 21, 2007]

Lily and Will Play Date Continues...

They played around with the piano for a bit, before heading off to scale the walls and stairs. Neither is walking on their own, however both are close. The third picture below they are standing unassisted. [May 14, 2007]

Our Climbing Monkey

You should see her on our stairs in the house! [April 14, 2007]

Lily and Will Swingin'

Lily and Will are getting so big! We all walked to Trolley Square for lunch at one of our new coffee shops and then on to the playground. Here are the little cutie pies enjoying the swings. [April 14, 2007]

Lounging Around

After Easter dinner, Lily hung out with Uncle Jimmy and Charlie, before crawling up onto my lap for some snuggles with her mom and dad. [April 8, 2007]

Clowning Around

Lily and Grandma Pfromm clowing around. [April 8, 2007]

Philadelphia Chickens

Grandma Pfromm gave Lily a new song book and CD called Philadelphia Chickens, with a stuffed chicken to boot. Lily, and especially her mom really love to dance the silly songs. [April 8, 2007]

Our Beautiful Baby Girl

[April 8, 2007]

Finding the Easter Basket

Lily did great with her Easter basket. The Easter bunny brought her chapstick, a pear, a chocolate bunny, and fuzzy pink bunny ears. She loves putting on chapstick with her mom and smacking her lips together. She has now figured out how to get the cap off, so the bunny brought her one with the plastic still secured. She loves to eat pears and chocolate of course. And the ears, well, her mom liked those : ) [April 8, 2007]

Getting Ready for Easter Mass