Little Ms. Lily is 7 months!!! Where is the time going? She is the coolest little girl. She is so alert and fun. She loves to pull herself up on things and take little steps while holding onto hands. Not one for crawling yet. She loves trying new foods. Whatever mom and dad are eating she has to try. Just this week I was trying to smuggle bites of a cinnamon and sugar pretzel into my mouth without letting her know while wearing her in the Baby Bjorn in the mall. She was craning her head back to try and catch me in the act. It was hilarious! Needless to say she does indeed like cinnamon and sugar pretzels.
Other milestones for Lil's are that she has 2 teeth. She loves playing peek-a-boo! She makes a lot of raspberry sounds and blows bubbles. She is getting good at the ma-ma and da-da syllables. She continues to be an angel baby! We just love her to pieces. [December 5, 2006]