Friday, June 23, 2006

Baby's Got New Shoes

Lily loves her new shoes and monogrammed snugly from the Weinstein's! [June 23, 2006].

Let Sleeping Monkeys Lie...

Too cute! But are those head pets or is he pulling her hair?!? [June 23, 2006].

Friends Forever

Matching Monkey gear and hats...the beginnings of a great friendship. [June 23, 2006].

Thing One and Thing Two

Lily said, "Come on Will, lets lean in together and look really adorable" to which Will responded, "MOM, she's touching me"! [June 23, 2006].

Lily and Will Hanging Out

Lily and Will got together today to spend the afternoon just hanging out! [June 23, 2006].

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Active Lily

While it appears Lily is strapped in for her first jump out of a plane (both by the strappy gear and her look of fear), she was actually heading out for her first of many jogs to come with mom. Only 4 short months until the Marine Corps Marathon! [June 19, 2006].

Laying Out

Another day of lounging! Mom tells me she is heading back to work soon. Not sure why! We've had it pretty darn good. Oh pool boy...a little more milk please. [June 21, 2006].

Dining out in Philadelphia

Dad, Kaye, Lily, Corey and I enjoyed a great dinner at Melograno to celebrate Fathers Day and then strolled around Rittenhouse Square. [June 17, 2006].

Grandpa Pfromm Arrives

Grandpa Pfromm arrives! Now Lily has snuggled with all of her grandparents : ) [June 16, 2006].

Hanging Out

Lily sitting up on the couch, reflecting on her lunch date with Will, and just hanging out. She looks so grown up! [June 15, 2006].

Lunch Date

Lily out to her first lunch with Will Altman at Buckleys on the rooftop patio. He was pretty coy, sleeping most of the lunch. Tammy and I chaperoned.

Daddy Snuggles

Lily looks so cute I had to post another daddy/daughter snuggle : ) [June 15, 2006].


Lily loves her bubble baths! [June 14, 2006]

Monday, June 12, 2006

Lily Smiling

OK. This is a new favorite! Her dad was whistling 'Would you like to Swing on a Star' to her, and Lily was loving it!!! [June 12, 2006].

First Trip to the Zoo

Uncle Troy took Lily for a trip to the Wilmington Zoo. Lily donned her giraffe outfit from Aunt Mary, Uncle Troy, and her cousins Hanna, Julia, Natalie, and Madelyn. She had a great time! [June 12, 2006].

Slowly waking up.

Lily napped on Uncle Troy for about 3 hours...although she wished she could of been napping on Grandpa Angst to help him celebrate his birthday this day. Here is a picture of her just waking up. [June 11, 2006].

Sleeping after a big day!

Lily had a big day with uncle Troy! After the block party we picked crabs and went for ice cream. The only thing that could have been better is if Aunt Mary and her cousins were along too! [June 10, 2006].

Uncle Troy Arrives!

Uncle Troy arrived June 10 to spend the weekend with Lily (and us too?). Here is their first snuggle before we headed out to the Happy Valley block party. [June 10, 2006].

Friday, June 09, 2006

Stroll in the Park

Life with Lily really is just a 'walk in the park' : ) This is a photo of Lily and her dad strolling in the park right across from our house. Lily sure does love her park! The waterfalls and chirping birds really calm her. Just wait until she's old enough to appreciate the Wilmington Zoo on the other side of the Brandywine River! [June 9, 2006].

Hanging out at Brew Ha Ha

Lily dressed in her green jumper, with silly hat and adorable sweater for her regular trip to the coffee shop. She ran into her little friend Alessandra there! [June 9, 2006].

Stroll to Brew Ha Ha

Lily loves strolling to the local Brew Ha Ha coffee shop. She needed a good cup o' joe after getting stuck in a big rain storm at the Greek festival the night before! Here is a picture of her and her mom walking up Rattle Snake Run in our Brandywine Park in route [June 9, 2006].

Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Prettys" in Her Hair

Here is little Lily striking a pose sporting her first ever "prettys" in her hair. She wanted to be looking her best for a play date with Molly this afternoon and an evening out at the Greek festival with Allesandra. The socialite: ) [June 8, 2006].

Monday, June 05, 2006

Party dress

In case you didn't get a good view of my peach dress ...


Another post-massage photo. I loved the lighting on Lily's sweet little face. [June 4, 2006]

Helping mom with my PHR

Lily hangs out in the Baby Bjorn with mom while we spend some time on the computer updating her PHR. [May 5, 2006]

Helloooo in there!

Lily reaches out to friend Baby Altman (still growing in Tammy's tummy), requesting them to arrive soon! Apparently she had the magic touch! Contractions continued through the next day and William Altman was born 1 week early, arriving June 4, 2006! [June 2, 2006]

Massage Time

After Lily's pre-bedtime massage, she cozied up in her new soft lilac towel from Kris and Brian Swanson. [June 4, 2006]

Corey's (and Troy's) Birthday

Lily donned her pretty peach dress from her Aunt Missy, Uncle Tom, and cousin Blake to go out to dinner for her daddy's birthday. [June 2, 2006]

The Weigh In

The home postage scale reveals that Lily is growing quickly! 8.10 at week 2 and 9.14 at week 4!

Bath Time

Lily enjoys a bubble bath in the bathroom sink. Soon she will have to graduate the kitchen sink! [June 3, 2006]

Reaching for the Roses

Lily reaches for the roses. She enjoyed standing underneath the trellis to admire the beatiful display of pink. [May 30, 2006]

Lily and her little friend Molly

Lily and Molly pose for a photo after enjoying a stroll through the park.

Sleeping in front of the TV

Lily and her dad fell asleep while watching TV. Bad habits starting early...but who can complain when they look so darn cute : ) [May 31, 2006]

Lily enjoys reading Pickles

Lily and her mom enjoy reading her mom's favorite book, Pickles the Fire Cat : )